
关于貌合神离论文范文资料 与貌合神离成为新趋势有关论文参考文献

版权:原创标记原创 主题:貌合神离范文 科目:文献综述 2024-03-04


市场对于“Alone Togetherness”(离尘不离群)的追求已成趋势——星巴克消费者齐聚一处却又各自专注于眼前事物,貌合神离的情状即此概念之良好体现.为适应现代人这项行为变化,新加坡风华南岸酒店提供多达43处充满想象力的社交空间,让宾客得以在留宿期间享受更多乐趣;此外再加一码,以“集市用餐”(Marketplace Dining)理念设计彷如纽约美食超市Eataly的餐饮区域;同时,酒店全面采用尖端科技,使用QR码“走天下”——门锁、窗帘、电灯等皆可以手机控制,颇有“一机在手,坐观天下”的豪迈.

三家活跃酒吧之一的LAUGH饶有趣味,位于酒店一层,面向尼诰大道(Nicoll Highway),糅合丰富多彩的墙面设计和各种各样的混搭座位摆设,使整体空间充满幽默感.此外,多达43处充满想象力的社交空间内,椅子各具情态,独特设计使观者喷簿源源不断的灵感,激发彼此创意,滋生无限乐趣,这乐趣却并不大肆声张,只逶迤蛇行在每一隅空间,待冷不丁和之狭路相逢,竟也有种相见恨晚的惊异.

The pursuit of "Alone Togetherness" has become a trend. Starbucks consumers gathered in one place but each focused on different things, this can be best described by the concept of here and not really here. To adapt to the behavioral changes of the modern people, the hotel set up 43 social spaces for this need, and added marketplace dining with similar design to the food court of New York market Eataly. Full use of cutting-edge technology is here too, where you can control your door locks, curtains, lights and others with a QR code, as if reigning the world with a simple mobile phone.

One of the three active bars LAUGH is the most interesting. The bar is located on the first floor of the hotel, facing Nicoll highway. The blend of rich and colorful wall design and a wide variety of mash-up seat furnishings have added a great sense of humor to the bar design. In addition, there are up to 43 social spaces bursting with imagination. Each space is set up with chairs of the most unique designs. Every corner, every turn, you encounter this quiet inspiration and fun. Before long, you notice yourself asking for more.


In addition, there are up to 43 social spaces bursting with imagination. Each space is set up with chairs of the most unique designs. Every corner, every turn, you encounter this quiet inspiration and fun. Before long, you notice yourself asking for more.)


结论:貌合神离成为新趋势为大学硕士与本科貌合神离毕业论文开题报告范文和相关优秀学术职称论文参考文献资料下载,关于免费教你怎么写貌合神离 by 腐书网方面论文范文。


