
关于菲茨杰拉德论文范文资料 与菲茨杰拉德了不起盖茨比有关论文参考文献

版权:原创标记原创 主题:菲茨杰拉德范文 科目:职称论文 2024-02-19


弗·司各特·菲茨杰拉德(F. Scott Fitzgerald,1896~1940)是20世纪美国著名小说家,“迷惘的一代”的代表作家之一.他出生于一个中产阶级家庭,年轻时就读普林斯顿大学,但于1917年一战期间辍学入伍.退伍后坚持业余写作,1920年发表第一部长篇小说《天堂那一边》(This Side of Paradise).1925年《了不起的盖茨比》(The Great Gatsby)问世,奠定了他在现代美国文学史上的地位.菲茨杰拉德的一生是短暂的,但却留下了四部长篇小说和一百六十多篇短篇小说,他其他的代表作品还有《夜色温柔》(Tender Is the Night)和《爵士时代的故事》(Tales of the Jazz Age)等,有20年代“爵士时代”发言人之称.




“I want you and Daisy to come over to my house,” he said. “I’d like to show her around.”

“You’re sure you want me to come?”

“Absolutely, old sport.”

Daisy went upstairs to wash her face—too late I thought with humiliation of my towels—while Gatsby and I waited on the lawn.

“My house looks well, doesn’t it?” he demanded. “See how the whole front of it catches the light.”

I agreed that it was splendid.

“Yes.” His eyes went over it, every arched door and square tower. “It took me just three years to earn the money that bought it.”

“I thought you inherited your money.”

“I did, old sport,” he said automatically, “but I lost most of it in the big panic—the panic of the war.”

I think he hardly knew what he was saying, for when I asked him what business he was in he answered,“That’s my affair,” before he realized that it wasn’t the appropriate reply.

“Oh, I’ve been in several things,” he corrected himself. “I was in the drug business and then I was in the oil business. But I’m not in either one now.” He looked at me with more attention. “Do you mean you’ve been thinking over what I proposed the other night?”

Before I could answer, Daisy came out of the house and two rows of brass buttons on her dress gleamed in the sunlight.

“That huge place there?” she cried pointing.

“Do you like it?”

“I love it, but I don’t see how you live there all alone.”

“I keep it always full of interesting people, night and day. People who do interesting things. Celebrated people.”

Instead of taking the short cut along the Sound we went down the road and entered by the big postern. With enchanting murmurs Daisy admired this aspect or that of the feudal silhouette against the sky, admired the gardens, the sparkling odor of jonquils and the frothy odor of hawthorn and plum blossoms and the pale gold odor of kiss?me?at?the?gate. It was strange to reach the marble steps and find no stir of bright dresses in and out the door, and hear no sound but bird voices in the trees.



