
关于关联规则论文范文资料 与基于关联规则运动损伤风险评估仿真有关论文参考文献

版权:原创标记原创 主题:关联规则范文 科目:职称论文 2024-02-29


摘 要: 針对当前风险评估方法确定的运动损伤风险因素和目标之间的关联度较差,存在实际结果和评估结果偏差较大的问题,提出一种基于关联规则的运动损伤风险评估方法.采用数据预处理方法对统计的不同竞技项目高水平运动员损伤资料进行处理,针对构建的运动损伤风险评估初始指标集,采用Apriori关联规则分析实现对运动损伤有影响的关联指标的分析挖掘,对运动损伤致伤主要风险状态量进行分类整理,构建运动员损伤风险综合状态量.依据历史损伤数据统计结果和关联规则的计算方法确定运动员损伤综合状态量中各个单项状态量的权重系数,计算运动员各损伤综合状态量中单项状态量的评分.实验结果表明,所提方法对运动损伤风险因素数据的筛选、分类以及提取过程是可行的,预处理后的运动损伤数据可用于关联规则挖掘分析,且评估结果和开放式问卷帕累托分析结果基本一致.

关键词: 关联规则; 运动损伤; 风险评估; 权重系数; 单项状态量; 帕累托分析

中图分类号: TN911?34; TP309 文献标识码: A文章编号: 1004?373X(2018)10?0172?03

Abstract: In allusion to the problems that the correlation between the sports injury risk factor and the target is poor, and a big deviation exists between the actual results and the assessment results in the current risk assessment method, a sports injury risk assessment method based on association rules is proposed. The data preprocessing method is adopted to deal with the injury materials of high?level athletes for different athletic events. For the constructed initial index set of sports injury risk assessment, analysis of Apriori association rule is used to realize the analysis and excavation of the association indicators that affect sports injury. The comprehensive state quantity of athlete injury risk is constructed by means of classification of main risk state quantities of sports injury. According to the statistic results of historical injury data and the calculation method of association rules, the weight coefficient for each individual state quantity of athlete injury comprehensive state quantity is determined, and the score for the individual state quantity of athletes′ each injury comprehensive state quantity is calculated. The experimental results show that the proposed method for the screening, classification and extraction processes of sports injury risk factor data is feasible, the preprocessed sports injury data can be used for mining analysis of association rules, and the assessment result is basically consistent with that of open questionnaire using Pareto analysis.

Keywords: association rule; sports injury; risk assessment; weight coefficient; individual state quantity; Pareto analysis

0 引 言

在正常的体育活动中处处隐藏着风险,在竞技体育中,许多项目都属于高危险性项目[1].竞技运动员根据周期性的运动训练,身体素质、项目技巧、竞赛心理等多方面水平才能不断提高[2].由于竞技项目的特点,以及比赛规则的变化导致运动员很多项目动作的难度系数逐渐提高,这使得运动员身体损伤的风险逐渐加大[3].运动员损伤风险不仅影响着运动员的身体健康,还影响着运动员的比赛生涯,对运动员本身以及该项竞技项目的发展都产生了 的影响[4].在这种情况下,研究如何确立和评估运动损伤风险因素,尽最大可能避免运动损伤风险,提出运动员损伤有效应对策略,对运动员的训练计划进行合理制定具有一定的指导意义,对于教练员以及运动员调整技战术具有非常重要的现实意义[5?6].



