
关于戴名世论文范文资料 与戴名世和清前期文化政策有关论文参考文献

版权:原创标记原创 主题:戴名世范文 科目:职称论文 2024-04-02


[摘 要]戴名世因《南山集》案彰显悲情的一生.其实,探究戴名世的字号、文章及交游发现:此案发生的必然性在于,戴氏作为士人的一个代表存在着对朝廷的认同问题,而这在清统治者看来是不可容忍的.康熙帝处理此案采取了高压与怀柔并用的手段,这并不违背“稽古右文”以集大成的文化政策.历经此案劫后,清代士人群体特别是桐城籍士人,及时调整了与当朝的关系,消解夷夏之别的文化隔阂,彰显古文经世致用的现实功能,不仅使大部分士人割断了与前朝的联系,而且也促使桐城派的产生,进而“北方之强”与“南方之强”在有清一代中奏出具有总结和整理特色的文化强音.戴名世作为使桐城籍士人以古文与当朝建立的关系转折性的人物,显然,研究桐城派不可绕过戴名世,更不能忽视清前期的文化政策.



Dai Ming Shi and cultural policy of early qing dynasty

SHENG Xian-feng

(Department and History,Anhui University,Hefei 230039,China)

Abstract: Because of the Case‘The volume of Nanshan’,Dai ming-shi lifetime was full of the pathetic.In fact, exploring his font, articles, and friends:As a representative of scholars, The necessity of the case is because of the identity question between the court and himself ,and the phenomenon which qing dynast could’t acceptable.To deal with the Case,Emperor Kangxi took the methods of control and molification, the methods can’t violation the whole cultural policy of ‘JI GU YOU WEN’ . After this case ended, the scholars of qing dynast, especially for the the place of TongCheng origin, Adjust to the relationships with the reign in time, dispelling the cultural gulf differents outlooks on YI-XIA, and the scholars demostrated the real functions of the ancient Chinese prose about the emphasizing statecraft,It not only help the majority of the scholars cut of the relations with previous dynasty, but also encourged the school of Tongcheng established, and then in Qing dynasty ‘the powerful of the north and the south’ have collisioned to expressed the cultural characteristics of summarized and arranged. Dai ming-shi, the watershelds person in place of TongCheng origin which used ancient Chinese prose to make a relationships with the reign. Obviously, As we studying the TongCheng school,we can’t bypassing the person called‘Dai Ming Shi’,more cannot igore the cultural policy in earlier Qing dynasty.

Key words:Dai Ming Shi;early qing dynasty; the Case‘The volume of Nanshan’;Emphasizing statecraft;Tongcheng school







