
关于亲疏论文范文资料 与远近亲疏,人间冷暖有关论文参考文献

版权:原创标记原创 主题:亲疏范文 科目:职称论文 2024-04-08


The Greatest Gifts


“Wow! This place looks like a museum! Do you really live here? So many interesting things!”

“You sure must love to collect things, are these from China?”

Whenever Chinese guests first step into my home the above comments are frequent and most common. While many people in China are curious about how foreigners live, often this same curiosity extends to interest in how outsiders cope and survive in a new country.1 I can say that Chinese tend to be most hospitable2 and welcoming. I also must say that having also received a wide range of keepsakes has influenced my sense of gratitude immensely.3

As an American teacher it is rare, and almost unheard of for students to give gifts to teachers. In fact the notion of accepting gifts runs contrary to most public schoolboard policies.4 However, there can be and are exceptions. Our high school sports team established a tradition of giving a yearly trophy5 to the coach whom we all loved. At an eastern university where I taught, one of my students gave me a special large wooden salad bowl with accessories, for coaching her to a regional and national public speaking championship.6 In all my 30 years of teaching in the United States, I have seldom been invited to the homes of my students. On the other hand, however, my classes have been recommended to family members. This personal acceptance has even included teaching parents, and Adult Education returning students who were related. These students enrolled in7 my classes based upon recommendations. I have also been invited to attend a few special family celebrations in the USA. Such invitations were mainly from my foreign students.

In China, the giving of gifts, home visit invitations, and invitation to special celebrations is a common, albeit an unusual experience for most foreigners.8 In my home in China there are plaques, paintings, poetry scrolls, statues, teapots,9 and many bottles of Chinese wines. I have, unfortunately, misplaced the special handmade shoes given to me, a sample product from one of my student’s hometown.10 What I appreciate and remember most, however, is the willingness of families in China to open their hearts and homes unabashedly, without reservations.11 This simply is not the “American Way”, but it is the Chinese Way. Spending time eating and chatting, or simply sipping12 tea in quiet gratitude toward each other, is a most precious gift to receive. Few things can surpass13 the joys of being together. As Confucius (“Kongzi”) is credited for saying, “You peng zi yuan fang lai, bu yi yue hu?”14 Is it not great when friends meet?


结论:远近亲疏,人间冷暖为适合不知如何写亲疏方面的相关专业大学硕士和本科毕业论文以及关于人有亲疏远近 下一句论文开题报告范文和相关职称论文写作参考文献资料下载。


