
关于华丽转身论文范文资料 与华丽转身有关论文参考文献

版权:原创标记原创 主题:华丽转身范文 科目:专科论文 2024-02-06



最近的北翼翻修耗时长达30个月之久,客房的内部装饰可谓脱胎换骨,红木家俬的引入更加凸显“贵妇”气质.72间客房面积从26平米到60平米不等,其中19间配有阳台,可将壮阔的印度洋海景尽收眼底.此外,酒店还特别推出了120平米的“尤珍妮皇后套房” (Empress Eugenie Suite),经典至极.尤珍妮皇后为拿破仑三世之妻,曾是加勒菲斯酒店最为显赫的住客之一.这间经典套房拥有一个60平米的露台,盘踞在酒店一层门廊之上,入住此间的住客好似主宰着酒店的整栋北翼.

深邃的红木吧台和名人墙是旅行者酒吧(Traveller"s Bar)的最大特色,吧内供应的大白鲸鱼子酱(Beluga caviar)和烟熏三文鱼都是厨师在仔细研读过俄国大作家契诃夫的小说后灵光乍现的杰作,三款皮姆鸡尾酒让人回味战争时期英国人所特有的精神特质.

A Turn of Flamboyance

Finally, the light of the 21st century shone on the graceful face of the "Grand Dame." Two major renovations have pushed the glory of the Galle Face Hotel to its historical peak.

The renovation of the North Wing took about 30 months, and the outcome was marvelous. The introduction of mahogany furniture highlights the temperament of the "Grand Dame". The room sizes of the 72 rooms range from 26 square meters to 60 square meters. Among them, 19 rooms are equipped with a balcony to capture the spectacular panoramic views of the ocean. In addition, the hotel also launched a special Empress Eugenie Suite of 120 square meters. Queen Eugenie is the wife of Napoleon III, who was one of the most prominent guests in the Galle Face Hotel. This classic suite owns a 60-square-meter terrace, perched above the ground floor porch of the hotel. The guests of the room would feel like they dominated the entire North Wing of the hotel.

The dark-colored mahogany bar with the celebrity walls are the biggest characteristic of the Traveller"s Bar. The chef was inspired by Chekhov"s novels to supply beluga caviar and smoked salmon, and the special taste of three Pimm"s cocktails also reminds people about the British spirit during the wartime.

过去的150年间,加勒菲斯酒店不断改变着自己的容颜.然而,传奇般的经历从未被遗忘,成为酒店珍贵的典藏,正如加勒菲斯酒店的董事长Sanjeev Gardiner所说:“翻新后的加勒菲斯酒店终将再次成为亚洲最具传奇色彩的酒店之一.”

For the past 150 years, the Galle Face Hotel has changed its appearance and improved its temperament. However, its legendary experiences have never been forgotten; instead, they have become precious treasures. As the Galle Face Hotel chairman Sanjeev Gardiner said: "We believe the property will resume its standing as one of the most storied hotels in all Asia."


