
关于西澳论文范文资料 与西澳又一颗璀璨明珠有关论文参考文献

版权:原创标记原创 主题:西澳范文 科目:专科论文 2024-02-04


出自当代著名大师Kerry Hill之手的COMO The Treasury酒店于2015年10月在西澳州珀斯揭开面纱.作为COMO酒店集团在澳洲的首家酒店,COMO The Treasury酒店为前往珀斯及邻近西澳地区的旅客提供了一间极具设计感的奢华酒店.

酒店位于珀斯 商务区的教堂大道,由数栋18世纪晚期的建筑组成,这些建筑被当地人称为“政府大楼”.在过去的140年中,这座建筑群曾是当地市政办公所在地,见证了这座城市的历史变迁,因此在当地人心中有着举足轻重的地位.




Designed by the famous contemporary master Kerry Hill, COMO The Treasury was opened in October 2015 in Perth. As the first hotel of Como Hotels Group in Australia, Como the Treasury provides a luxury hotel featuring great designs to the passengers travelling to Perth and adjacent regions of Western Australia.

Located in the central business district of Perth, the hotel is formed by several buildings built in the late 18th century, which were called the "government building" by the locals. In the past 140 years, these buildings have been the seat of the local municipal office, witnessing the city"s historical changes. It is for this reason that these buildings still occupy a pivotal position in local people"s hearts.

Today, the hotel still retains the original hundred-year old outlook, fusing modern design elements in a ingenious manner. In 2012 before the start of the renovation project, these buildings had stood idle for nearly 20 years. Now with its unique charm, it once again glows with dazzling brilliance.

Upon entering the hotel lobby, new skylights and the Victorian slate roof with bronze designs demonstrate a strong historical style, as if bringing people back to the 19th century. Rooms are decorated with delicate cream and beige tones, which not only increases the visual height, but also helps neutralize the strong sunshine of Western Australia, making the room feel warmer and more comfortable.

A special mention goes to the spacious bathrooms and some even larger than the bedrooms. The bathrooms are floored with elegant but low-key travertine tiles, and equipped with German KaldeweiDuo stand-alone elliptical bathtubs, double wash sinks and floor heating systems. All these are here for you to indulge in the ultimate comfort of bathing.

Don"t Miss:

Post餐厅位于酒店一层的大厅之旁,由邮政厅改造,连接了圣乔治大道和海伊街,同时也将酒店和临街商店连在一起,仿佛被镶嵌在一个拥有玻璃顶棚的温室之中.餐厅所有菜式均由澳籍行政主厨Amanda Gale和酒店行政主管Jed Gerrard亲自设计,利用顶级食材烹制而成,别具风味.

The Post restaurant is located next to the hotel lobby, transformed from the previous post office. Post is not only linked to the St. George Avenue and Hay Street, but also connects the hotel to the street shops, and it seems to be embedded in a greenhouse with a glass ceiling. All the dishes in the restaurant are personally designed by Australian Executive Chef Amanda Gale and the hotel’s executive director Jed Gerrard. With the use of top ingredients only, the unique flavor is not to be missed.



