
关于Module11Units1论文范文资料 与Module11Units1—2阶段测试有关论文参考文献

版权:原创标记原创 主题:Module11Units1范文 科目:专科论文 2024-03-21



1. In reality, it is not easy for the young to find a job which is to their talents and interests.

A. appropriateB. fit

C. suitedD. suitable

2. His story of what happened that night didnt what the witness said.

A. contribute toB. cater to

C. account forD. correspond with

3. I was very tired indeed, but I managed to myself out of bed.

A. drawB. pull

C. dragD. raise

4. Mrs. Brown was much disappointed to see the washing machine she had had went wrong again.

A. itB. it repaired

C. repairedD. to be repaired

5. She walked in , as if nothing had happened.

A. as sharp as a spearB. as sly as a fox

C. as hungry as a lionD. as cool as a cucumber

6. Look at your room. What a mess! Im tired of always hing to after you.

A. clear upB. keep up

C. put upD. make up

7. The last year of university is time for hard work and you he to start thinking about future and looking for a job.

A. a; /B. a; the

C. the; aD. /; the

8. His children would be more sympathetic towards him, after all he has .

A. goneB. gone through

C. looked throughD. gone about

9. As there is stormy weather all the next week, the best would be to cancel the trip altogether.

A. substanceB. stress

C. optionD. reflection

10. Their economy has expanded greatly, while ours, , has declined.

A. in realityB. in detail

C. in additionD. in contrast

11. The villagers he already known well do is to rebuild the bridge.

A. thisB. that

C. whatD. which

12. The young man admitted, after several hours of questioning, a wallet from the passenger on the bus.

A. hing stolenB. to he stolen

C. being stolenD. to steal

13. The strong wind caused the fire, which obviously had been set by someone on purpose, quickly across the field.

A. spreadingB. spread

C. to spreadingD. to spread

14. —Mum, why do you always make me eat an egg every day?

— enough protein and nutrition as you are growing up.

A. GetB. Getting

C. To getD. To be getting

15. —Im on a diet all the time but I hent lost weight.

—Be patient. Remember: . These things take time.

A. A good beginning is half done




