
关于ChinaU,S,RelationsTodayandTomorrow论文范文资料 与ChinaU.S.RelationsTodayandTomorrow有关论文参考文献

版权:原创标记原创 主题:ChinaU,S,RelationsTodayandTomorrow范文 科目:毕业论文 2024-01-17


From November 8 to 10, 2017, U.S. President Donald Trump made a state visit to China. The historic meeting of the two countries’heads of state resulted in strategic guidelines for developing healthy bilateral economic and trade relations as well as a direction and plan for further strengthening bilateral win-win cooperation, making it an important event to promote stable development of ChinaU.S. ties in the new era.

Since the two countries established diplomatic relations in 1979, China and the U.S. have managed to maintain shared benefits and good momentum, for the most part. Now, in a totally different era, China-U.S. relations are also entering a new stage, making it necessary to redefine their new type of major-country relations and realign their economic and trade cooperation.

New World Context

China-U.S. relations are surrounded by an entirely new world context. In terms of economic growth, the global economy still has not completely emerged from the shadow of the 2008 international financial crisis. In particu- lar, some developed countries remain stuck in an economic slump, which has resulted in considerable social conflict. The U.S. economy is also facing some challenges, while China has become the world’s second largest economy after decades of rapid economic growth.

Geopolitical conflict has increased worldwide, demanding an upgrade of the traditional global security network to satisfy needs for public safety and stability. The rise of ISIS headlined the spread of terrorism around the world, and Europe has suffered several attacks. The Syrian crisis caused a flood of refugees to Europe, which has intensified divisions already encumbering the continent.

The domestic political situations in China and the U.S. alike are comparatively stable. And the interests of the two countries have gradually shifted. The 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China designed a strong theoretical system concerning the country’s politics, economics, culture and national defense, which looks promising for future China-U.S. relations. Since Donald Trump took office this January, the stability, policy continuity and predictability of China-U.S. strategic relations have been better than expected. The domestic politics of the U.S. requires stable China-U.S. ties to a great extent.


