
关于电刀论文范文资料 与高频单级电刀在二次剖宫产术中应用体会有关论文参考文献

版权:原创标记原创 主题:电刀范文 科目:发表论文 2024-03-01


[摘 要] 目的 探讨二次剖宫产术中使用高频单级电刀对手术结局的影响.方法 整群选择2006年4月—2016年9月在南宁市第二人民医院产科病房住院行二次剖宫产终止妊娠的产妇623例,并随机分成两组:研究组342例,在二次剖宫产术中使用高频单级电刀;对照组281例,在二次剖宫产术中使用常规手术刀.比较两组二次剖宫产术中及术后伤口愈合情况等相关资料.结果 研究组腹壁切开时间(13.42±0.63)min较对照组缩短(17.47±0.84)min,结果差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);研究组腹壁切口出血量(43.42±2.25)mL少于对照组(77.68±2.29)mL,结果差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);研究组愈合天数(5.35±0.01)d明显短于对照组(7.21±4.42)d,结果差异有统计学意义(P<0.05).结论 二次剖宫产术中使用高频单级电刀明显缩短腹壁切开时间,减少腹壁切口出血量,明显缩短产妇术后切口愈合时间.

[关键词] 高频单级电刀;二次剖宫产;应用

[中图分类号] R61 [文献标识码] A [文章编号] 1674-0742(2017)05(c)-0078-03

[Abstract] Objective To discuss the effect of high-frequency single-stage electroscalpel on the operative outcome of the second cesarean section. Methods 623 cases of patients with second cesarean section in our hospital from April 2006 to September 2016 were group selected and randomly divided into two groups, the research group with 342 cases adopted the high-frequency single-stage electroscalpel, while the control group with 281 cases adopted the routine scalpel, and the wound healing situation in operation and after operation were compared between the two groups. Results The napes incision time in the research group was shortened than that in the control group[(13.42±0.63)min vs (17.47±0.84)min], and the difference was statistically significant(P<0.05), and the napes incision bleeding amount in the research group was less than that in the control group[(43.42±2.25)mL vs (77.68±2.29)mL], and the difference was statistically significant(P<0.05), and the healing time in the research group was obviously shorter than that in the control group[(5.35±0.01)d vs (7.21±4.42)d], and the difference was statistically significant(P<0.05). Conclusion The application of high-frequency single-stage electroscalpel in the second cesarean section can shorten the napes incision time, reduce the napes incision bleeding amount and obviously shorten the incision healing time of delivery women after operation.

[Key words] High-frequency single-stage electroscalpel; Second cesarean section; Application

剖宮产是产科学中最重要的手术干预措施. 近十多年来,由于社会因素的影响及医患矛盾的增加,导致我国的剖宫产率逐年上升.随着“二胎”新政的实施,因瘢痕子宫而实施二次剖宫产逐渐成为剖宫产的主要指征.二次手术切口是外科手术的难点,因疤痕组织结构紊乱、毛细血管增生渗血多、粘连等原因,导致二次剖宫产的手术难度增加,该院从2006年开始,已在二次剖宫产术中使用高频单级电刀,该院整群选择2006年4月—2016年9月共342例二次剖宫产患者,在椎管内麻醉下应用高频单极电刀进行剖宫产术,通过临床观察,应用高频单极电刀手术较应用常规手术刀,具有操作简便、视野清楚、损伤轻、术中出血少、手术时间短、术口愈合好等优势,现报道如下.

1 资料和方法

1.1 一般资料

整群选择在南宁市第二人民医院产科病房住院行二次剖宫产终止妊娠的产妇623例,并随机分成两组:研究组 342例,在二次剖宫产过程中使用高频单级电刀;对照组 281例,在二次剖宫产过程中使用常规手术刀.排除第一次剖宫产术后出现伤口愈合不良,需二期缝合者,及产后出现如产后出血的并发症的患者,以及此次妊娠合并糖尿病等影响伤口愈合的不良因素.








