
关于药品不良反应论文范文资料 与该院药品不良反应评价标准体系新建和应用有关论文参考文献

版权:原创标记原创 主题:药品不良反应范文 科目:论文模板 2024-01-22


[摘 要] 目的 评价药品不良反应,提高临床用药的安全性和有效性.方法 组建课题组,确定研究课题,选择研究成员,对成员进行药品不良反应报告和监测相关知识的培训.反复修订反复应用,成功研制评价标准,共28条135款.结果 推进了管理制度建立,成立了《药品不良反应报告和监测管理工作委员会》,制定了以《药品不良反应报告和监测工作制度》为首的11项系列管理制度.提升了报告数量和质量,2015年和2012年相比:总例数增加103例;新的增加24例;严重的增加9例.连续4年,医院被市县食品药品监督管理局、卫生和计划生育局评为药品不良反应监测先进集体,药品不良反应监测办公室负责人评为先进个人.2013年12月,该院顺利通过国家 乙等综合医院评审验收.该评价标准能够对内容真实、完整、准确的药品不良反应事件报告作出科学评定.结论 该研究制定的评价标准具有可行性、全面性,可为食品药品监督管理部门、药品生产企业、药品经营企业以及医疗机构确认药品不良反应提供参考.

[关键词] 药品不良反应;评价标准;体系;新建;应用

[中图分类号] R9 [文献标识码] A [文章编号] 1672-5654(2017)08(a)-0010-04

[Abstract] Objective To evaluate adverse drug reactions and improve the safety and effectiveness of clinical medication.

Methods To set up research group, determine the research topic selection research teams, knowledge related to reporting and monitoring of adverse drug reactions to train members. According to the relevant laws and regulations, combined with the actual situation of people making medication, drug adverse events evaluation criteria, the successful development of the evaluation standard a total of 28, 135. Results system, set up the "adverse drug reaction monitoring report and management committee", has developed 11 series of management system with < ADR report and monitoring system. The report led > enhance the quality and quantity in 2015 compared with 2012, the total number of cases increased by 103; the new increase in 24 cases; the serious increase of 9 cases. For 4 consecutive years, the hospital is the city food and drug administration, health and Family Planning Bureau as the monitoring of adverse drug reactions in the advanced group, adverse drug reaction monitoring office responsible person named the advanced individual of 2013 in December, the school successfully passed the national three class comprehensive hospital evaluation. The evaluation criteria can check on the content is really complete, drug adverse event report, make accurate scientific assessment. Conclusion The evaluation criteria established in this study is feasible and comprehensive. It can provide reference for the food and drug administration department, drug manufacturers, drug companies and medical institutions to identify adverse drug reactions.

[Key words] Adverse drug reaction; Evaluation criteria; System; New construction; Application







