
关于文献检索论文范文资料 与基于田口方法高校图书馆文献检索服务质量稳健性设计有关论文参考文献

版权:原创标记原创 主题:文献检索范文 科目:专科论文 2024-01-30


〔摘 要〕随着各高校对科研工作的不断重视,图书馆文献检索服务得到的关注也在增大.由于受到一些随机的、复杂的、不可控的因素影响,图书馆文献检索服务质量存在着波动性,造成同样的服务在不同的情况下提供或针对不同的顾客实施会产生不同的满意度,对服务质量整体满意度的提高有着不利的影响.要降低这些因素对服务质量满意度的影响,可以从降低服务质量对这些因素变化的敏感性的角度来考虑,即对服务过程进行稳健性设计.为降低高校图书馆文献检索服务质量的波动性,提高服务质量稳健性,本研究将田口方法运用于高校图书馆文献检索服务过程的优化当中.运用顺序Logistic回归对问卷数据进行分析,确定出对高校图书馆文献检索服务满意度影响显著的4个因子,然后结合实际情况确定出每个因子的水平,再根据选择的噪声因子及水平进行内外表设计,根据内外表分别实施每一项试验,计算出每组试验的信噪比,根据信噪比极大化原则,结合信噪比主效应图和均值主效应图,最终确定出相对最优的可控因子水平组合.本文以郑州大学图书馆为例,对郑州大学图书馆文献检索的服务质量进行稳健性设计,得出了使文献检索服务质量稳健性较高的可控因子最优水平组合.




〔Abstract〕As the universities paying more attention to scientific research work,library literature retrieval service is also receiving more attention.Some random,complex and uncontrollable factors caused fluctuation of service quality,making the same service bringing different degree of satisfaction when provided in different circumstances or to different customers.It would cause detrimental effects to the improvement of service quality.To weaken the impact of these factors on service quality satisfaction,the paper considered to reducing the sensitivity of service quality to the change of these factors,that is,the robust design of the service process.In order to reduce the volatility of university library literature retrieval service quality and improve the stability of service quality,this study applied the Taguchi method to the optimization of University Librarys literature retrieval service process.This paper using ordinal logistic regression to analyze the questionnaire data,determined the four factors that significantly affect the satisfaction of university library literature retrieval service,and then determined the level of each factor,according to the noise factors and levels to respectively design inter array and outer array,implemented each test designed by inter-outer array,calculated each signal to noise ratio,according to the principle of SN ratio maximization,and combined with the main effect diagrams of SN ratio and mean,ultimately determined the relative optimal level combination of control factors.The paper taking the library of Zhengzhou University as an example,implemented the robust design of the literature retrieval service quality for the library of Zhengzhou University,obtained the optimal level combination of the controllable factors with higher robustness of literature retrieval service quality.








