
关于临床检验论文范文资料 与临床检验中不合格血液标本的原因分析有关论文参考文献

版权:原创标记原创 主题:临床检验范文 科目:本科论文 2024-04-12


[摘 要] 目的 分析临床检验中引起血液标本不合格的原因,为提高临床检验血液标本合格率提供参考.方法 方便选择该院检验科于2016—2017年期间收集的临床检验血液标本5 070份作为该次研究的研究对象,统计其中的不合格血液标本,并对其不合格原因进行分析. 结果 该组5 070份血液标本的不合格率为2.37%(120/5 070).经研究分析,120份不合格血液标本的不合格原因从高到低依次为采血量不正确,占比33.00%;抗凝血有细小凝块或凝固,占比21.50%;容器选择不当,占比13.33%;标本发生溶血,占比11.60%;检验单与血液检验标本患者不符,占比9.20%;延时送检,占比5.00%;采血部位不当,3.33%;血液检验标本出现脂浊,占比1.60%;对患者交代不清楚,占比1.60%.结论 导致临床检验血液标本不合格的原因主要包括采血量不正确、抗凝血有细小凝块或凝固、容器选择不当、标本发生溶血、检验单与血液检验标本患者不符、延时送检、采血部位不当、血液检验标本出现脂浊、对患者交代不清楚,只有在明确临床检验血液标本不合格原因的基础上,制定具有针对性的控制对策,才能够有效提高临床检验血液标本,确保临床检验结果的准确性.

[关键词] 临床检验;血液标本;不合格;原因

[中图分类号] R5 [文献标识码] A [文章编号] 1674-0742(2017)12(c)-0190-03

[Abstract] Objective This paper tries to analyze the causes of unqualified blood samples in clinical examination, and to provide reference for improving the rate of qualified blood specimen. Methods 5 070 blood samples collected from 2016 to 2017 in this laboratory were convenient selected as the subjects of this study, and the unqualified blood samples were collected, and the reasons for their disqualification were analyzed. Results The unqualified rate of 5 070 blood samples in this group was 2.37%(120/5 070). After research and analysis, 120 unqualified blood samples failed to descend from high to low blood volume is incorrect, accounting for 33.00%; anticoagulant with all clots or coagulation, accounting for 21.50%; improper container selection, accounting for Compared with 13.33%;hemolysis specimens, accounting for 11.60%; checklist and blood test specimens do not match patients, accounting for 9.20%;delayed submission, accounting for 5.00%; improper blood collection 3.33%; blood test specimens appear turbid , Accounting for 1.60%;explain to the patient is not clear, accounting for 1.60%. Conclusion Leading to clinical tests of blood samples failed mainly include the amount of blood is not correct, anticoagulant with all clots or coagulation, improper container selection, specimen hemolysis, the test sheet and blood test specimens do not match the patient, delayed submission, blood sampling site Improper blood test specimens appear turbid, the patient confusion, only in a clear clinical test of blood samples failed to reason on the basis of the development of targeted control measures, can effectively improve clinical blood samples to ensure that the clinical test results accuracy.

[Key words] Clinical test; Blood specimen; Unqualified; Cause

在臨床各类疾病的诊断、治疗、预后评估过程中,一项必不可少的手段就是临床检验.临床检验在临床中具有十分广泛和重要的应用,具有不可替代的地位.鉴于此,临床检验的结果是否具备较高的准确性就显得十分重要[1].但在实际的临床实践过程中,临床检验易受到多种因素的影响,而导致其检验结果出现一定的偏差,从而无法为临床提供准确的数据[2].因此,积极探讨临床检验中血液标本不合格的原因,为临床制定提高临床检验血液标本合格率对策提供参考,从而提高临床检验结果的准确性,为临床诊治提供可靠的依据.该次研究方便选取了2016—2017年期间临床检验血液样本5 070份对不合格血液样本原因进行了分析,现报道如下.








