
关于冬小麦论文范文资料 与播期和密度对冬小麦普冰151籽粒灌浆特性产量影响有关论文参考文献

版权:原创标记原创 主题:冬小麦范文 科目:毕业论文 2024-01-14


摘 要:选用优质强筋小麦普冰151为试验材料,设置10月3日、10月8日、10月13日3个播期和基本苗135萬、195万、255万、315万/hm2 4个密度,研究播期和密度对普冰151籽粒灌浆特性及产量的影响.结果表明:播期和密度对其群体茎蘖消长和各个生育时期叶面积指数有很大影响.不同处理灌浆进程符合三次正交多项式Cubic方程.籽粒灌浆期的最大灌浆速率、平均灌浆速率以及快增期的平均灌浆速率随播期的推迟而降低,随密度的增加而升高.播期推迟会降低普冰151的有效穗数和千粒重,不利于产量的提高,而穗粒数则随着播期的推迟先增后减.不同密度对普冰151的产量、穗数、穗粒数、千粒重也有极显著影响,穗数随密度的增加而增加,而穗粒数、千粒重都随密度的增加而降低.播期、密度以及两者之间的互作效应对普冰151的产量和产量构成三因素的影响均达到极显著或显著水平.籽粒产量以A1B2最高,为8 150.33 kg/hm2,除和A1B1和A2B3差异不显著外,和其它处理差异均达极显著水平.因此,普冰151可选择10月3日播种、密度为135万~195万/hm2或者10月8日播种、密度为255万/hm2.



AbstractTaking high-quality strong-gluten wheat cultivar Pubing 151 as test material,setting 3 sowing dates, October 3,October 8,October 13, and 4 planting densities, 1 350 thousand seedlings per hectare, 1 950 thousand seedlings per hectare,2 550 thousand seedlings per hectare,3 150 thousand seedlings per hectare,the effects of sowing date and planting density on the grain filling characteristics and yield of Pubing 151 were researched. The results showed that the sowing date and planting density had significant impacts on population growth and decline of stems and leaf area index at various growth stages. The filling process was in line with the orthogonal polynomials Cubic equation in different treatments. The maximum grain-filling rate and average grain-filling rate at the grain-filling stage and the average grain-filling rate at the rapid increasing stage decreased with the delay of sowing date, and increased with the increase of planting density. With the delay of sowing date, the spike number per hectare and thousand-grain weight of Pubing 151 reduced,the yield could not be improved,and the grains per spike increased first and then decreased. The different density had very significant impacts on yield,spike number per hectare,grains per spike and thousand-grain weight. The spike number per hectare increased with the increase of planting density,while the grains per spike and thousand-grain weight decreased with the increase of planting density. The sowing date, planting density and the interaction effects had very significant or significant influence on yield and yield components of Pubing 151.Treatment A1B2 had the highest grain yield of 8 150.33 kg/hm2,which were very significant different with the other treatments except A1B1 and A2B3. Therefore,the suitable sowing date and planting density of Pubing 151 was October 3 with 1 350 to 1 950 thousand seedlings per hectare or October 8 with 2 550 thousand seedlings per hectare.


