
关于角膜塑形镜论文范文资料 与角膜塑形镜正常验配和过矫验配控制青少年近视的临床观察有关论文参考文献

版权:原创标记原创 主题:角膜塑形镜范文 科目:毕业论文 2024-04-15


[摘 要] 目的 分析角膜塑形鏡正常验配与过矫验配防治近视的临床效果,为临床近视保守治疗方案的选择提供参考.方法 选择2014年1月~2015年1月在我院100例200眼的行近视治疗的近视患者作为研究对象,采用随机数字表法分为对照组(采用常规参数角膜塑形镜正常验配)和观察组(采用常规角膜塑形镜正常验配的基础上过矫-0.5D),每组50例(100眼).对照组患者进行相关检查后,根据检查结果确定参数,根据常规检查的数据镜片,指导患者及家长具体佩戴方法,每晚佩戴8~10 h;观察组患者根据常规检查的数据的基础上过矫-0.5D,镜片,其他参数一样.两组患者均于佩戴后1 d、1周、1个月、以后每2个月复查一次,了解患者配戴过程中的情况,并及时指导患者规范佩戴及护理.观察两组患者配戴24个月过程中,视力、屈光度、眼压、角膜等情况.分别在佩戴12个月时两组的屈光度行组间、治疗前后比较;24个月后两组患者均脱镜1个月,再散瞳电脑验光(KR8800)检查屈光度、Zeiss(IOlMAster)测量眼轴长度,并行组间、治疗前后比较. 结果 两组配戴12个月时屈光度的差异有统计学意义(P<0.01);配戴24个月后,观察组与对照组屈光度比较差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);观察组与对照组的眼轴长度比较差异有统计学意义(P<0.01). 结论 长期佩戴角膜塑形镜可有效控制和延缓青少年近视的发展,是矫治近视的安全有效的临床方法,在本组观察中过矫验配角膜塑形镜在控制青少年近视的屈光度及眼轴长度方面更为明显.

[关键词] 角膜塑形镜;正常验配与过矫验配;近视;对比分析

[中图分类号] R778.1+1 [文献标识码] B [文章编号] 1673-9701(2018)06-0070-04

[Abstract] Objective To analyze the clinical effect of orthokeratology lens normal fitting and overcorrection fitting in prevention and treatment of myopia, so as to provide references for the selection of conservative treatment regimens for clinical myopia. Methods 100 cases and 200 eyes of patients with myopia who were given myopia treatment in our hospital from January 2014 to January 2015 were selected as the research subjects. The random number table method was used to divide the patients into control group(orthokeratology lens normal fitting with conventional parameters) and observation group(overcorrection of -0.5D on the basis of regular orthokeratology lens normal fitting),with 50 cases(100 eyes)in each group. Patients in the control group were given relevant tests, and the parameters were determined based on the test results. The lens were customized according to the data of regular tests. The patients and their parents were guided for detailed wearing methods, and the patients were asked to wear the lenses for 8-10 h every evening; patients in the observation group were overcorrected for -0.5D on the basis of the data of regular tests, the lenses were customized, with the other parameters remaining the same. The two groups of patients were re-examined once 1 day, 1 week, 1 month, and every 2 months afterwards, so that the situations during wearing were understood, and the standardized wearing and nursing could be timely guided for the patients. During the 24-month wearing, the visual acuity, diopter, intraocular pressure, cornea and other conditions were observed. On month 12 of wearing, the diopter was compared between groups and compared before and after treatment in both groups; after 24 months, the patients in both groups were off lenses for a month, and then were given computerized mydriatic optometry(KR8800) to examine the diopter, Zeiss(IOlMAster) to measure the axial lengths. The comparison between groups and comparison before and after treatment were carried out. Results There was statistically significant difference in diopter between the two groups when wearing 12 months(P<0.01); after wearing for 24 months, the diopter was compared, and the difference was statistically significant between the observation group and the control group(P<0.05); the axis length was compared, and the difference was statistically significant between the observation group and the control group(P<0.01). Conclusion Long-term wearing orthokeratology lens can effectively control and delay the development of juvenile myopia, which is a safe and effective clinical treatment method of myopia. In the observation, the overcorrection fitting of orthokeratology lens has a more significant effect in the control of diopter and axial length in juvenile myopia.



