
关于商务英语函电论文范文资料 与跨文化礼仪交际在商务英语函电中应用探析有关论文参考文献

版权:原创标记原创 主题:商务英语函电范文 科目:硕士论文 2024-03-14


【Abstract】Business English correspondence is an important medium for communication between business partners. Business English correspondence is often used in international business contacts, is to carry out foreign trade business and related business activities, the basis and important tools, international trade, a well-written language, the use of appropriate correspondence, to facilitate the transaction will often To a great role, and the role of etiquette can not be ignored, and even can affect the success or failure of a transaction. In this paper, by comparing the cultural differences and politeness in Chinese and English business correspondence, this paper puts forward the concrete way of realizing courtesy in cross - cultural communication, so as to make better use of business English correspondence for cross - cultural communication.

【Key words】Business English; Correspondence writing; Cross-cultural communication; Etiquette

1. Introduction

In the 21S` century, with the fast development of science and technology and theeconomic globalization, the world seems to become a smaller global village and the intercultural contact is much more frequent than ever, which requires people to be able to appreciate, communicate and worlc interculturally. With China’s entry into the WTO, China is now faced with increasing opportunities to interact with other countries. With one-fifth of the world’s population and one of the fastest rates of economic growth, China is becoming a major target for the world business. As a result, opportunities for international business are on the dramatic increase. International business brings people together from different countries who discuss common and conflicting interests in the hope of concluding a transaction of mutual benefit. Hence, Chinese people are set to immerse themselves in intercultural communication more frequently than ever.

2. What is Business English?

Definition of Business English

When the Chinese market is more deeply integrated into the international economic society, the domestic talent market due to a large number of foreign companies landing, the demand for business English talent is also growing. But we need to understand that business English is not a panacea, it is not independent, Many foreign companies need to have more professional English proficiency of employees, “professional English”, such as ETS TOEIC and TOPE, the other known as TOEIC business English, in fact, there is a difference between the two, its meaning and role is different.For professional English, students participate in a test and get a certain score to prove their ability to apply to the English language. Students need to get a score that proves their ability to undertake the relevant work. In fact, such as TOEFL, the high score of the candidates does not prove that they have the corresponding ability.








