
关于单纯性肥胖论文范文资料 与学龄前单纯性肥胖儿童运动行为特征分析有关论文参考文献

版权:原创标记原创 主题:单纯性肥胖范文 科目:职称论文 2024-03-01


摘 要:目的 了解学龄前单纯性肥胖儿童运动行为特征,为制订肥胖儿童运动处方提供依据.方法 随机整群抽取海门市市区、农村各4所幼儿园共30个班级 中所有单纯性肥胖儿童,按照1:1配对正常儿童,调查运动行为特征.结果 发现肥胖儿童园外体育运动的频率低于非肥胖儿童(χ2等于10.766,P<0.05),放学后留在幼儿园参与大型玩具活动也少(χ2=45.006,P<0.01), 非肥胖儿童的平均体育运动时间为22.5分钟,而正常儿童为28.6分钟,肥胖组儿童喜欢散步、跑步、玩球,非肥胖组儿童更喜欢玩球、骑车、跳舞,肥胖组大运动发育商较低.结论 肥胖儿童的日常体育运动水平较低、活动时间较短,更倾向于身体移动较小、技巧性较低的运动项目 .


Ch aracteristics analysis on sports behavior of preschool simple obese children

WU juanjuan1, SHI haimin2,WANG xiaoquan2

1 Materal and Child Health Care Family Planning Service Center of Qidong, Jiangsu Qidong 226200, China, 2 Haimen Maternity and Child Care Hospital, Haimen, Jiansu 226100, China;

Abstract:Objective To ascertain sports, characteristics of preschool obese children and provide the basis for exercise prescription for children obesity. Methods by means of random cluster sampling were included all obese children from 30 classes of 4 kindergartens in Haimen city , and their sports and motor,s characteristics were investigated with the ratio of preschool obese and normal children being 1:1 . Results It was found that activity frequency of preschool obese children was lower than that of normal children,(χ2等于10.766,P<0.05). Activity frequency of large toys in kindergarten after school in obese children was lower than that in normal children,(χ2=45.006,P<0.01). The average time for activity in obese children was 22.5 minutes, and that in normal children 28.6 minutes. Favorite sports of obese children were walking and playing with balls, and those of normal children were playing with balls, biking and dancing. Gross motor development quotient of obese children was lower than that of normal children,. Conclusions Obese children are with lower levels of daily physical activity; their activity time is shorter; and they are more prone to less moving, less skilled sports.

Keywords Preschool obese children;Sports; Gross motor;Analysis

兒童期肥胖不仅影响儿童阶段的生活、学习和健康,而且和许多成年期慢性疾病如高血压、高血脂症、糖尿病、动脉粥样硬化性等心脑血管病有非常密切的关系.目前研究发现,儿童期肥胖不仅和饮食习惯有关,也和运动行为密切相关,特别是肥胖儿童普遍不喜欢体育运动[1]. 因此,应对肥胖儿童的运动行为特征进行调查,以便为合理引导肥胖儿童积极参加有趣的运动、提高身体素质、预防和控制肥胖提供必要的依据.本研究调查了海门市学龄前单纯性肥胖儿童运动行为特征,探索学龄前肥胖单纯性儿童适宜运动项目及学龄前儿童喜欢的游戏活动,为进一步发展形成终身体育提供一定的思路和参考.

1 对象和方法

1.1 对象

本研究采用分层随机整群抽样方法,在海门市市区、农村, 抽取市区4所幼儿园、农村4所幼儿园共30个班级1346名儿童中符合单纯性肥胖诊断标准的86名儿童作为肥胖组, 并取同班级同性别同年龄家庭收入相近的86名正常儿童作为对照组.超重/肥胖诊断按照儿科学(第七版)标准:体重超过同性别、同身高参照人群均值10%~19%者为超重,超过平均值20%以上者便诊断为肥胖;20%~29%者为轻度肥胖;30%~49%者为中度肥胖;超过50%者为重度肥胖.所有肥胖儿童均无先天遗传性疾病、代谢性疾病及神经内分泌疾病.


