
关于环境温度论文范文资料 与环境温度对原木横断面内径向CT值影响有关论文参考文献

版权:原创标记原创 主题:环境温度范文 科目:职称论文 2024-02-07


摘 要:为分析环境温度对原木断层图像CT值的影响,在不同温度(15、-5、-20℃)下,采用計算机断层扫描仪对杉木、红松和冷杉3个树种原木样本进行检测,先获取截面计算机断层扫描(computed tomography,CT)图像.再通过图像处理,拾取CT图像径向关键特征点的CT值,利用统计数据处理方法分析温度和CT值变化之间的关系,并探究其内部原因.研究结果表明:①同一温度下,原木样本内部CT值沿径向差异较大.②不同温度下,原木横断面径向CT值的整体差异不显著,但在局部有减小的趋势.如冷杉在心材范围(即沿径向距圆心90 mm距离内)、杉木在边材范围内(即在径向距圆心63~105 mm的距离内),径向CT值均随着温度的降低而逐渐减小.③不同温度原木径向CT值的差异和其内部结构有关系,尤其和横断面内水分分布及水分状态变化关系密切;不同树种CT值变化具有差异原因亦在于此,印证了环境温度对原木横断面内经值的影响.


中图分类号:S 781.37 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1001-005X(2017)06-0041-06

Effect of Environmental Temperature on CT Values of Radial Cross Section in Logs

Zhou Hanting,Xu Huadong*,Liu Hua,Cao Yanjun,Wang Yuting

(College of Engineering and Technology,Northeast Forestry University,Harbin 150040)

Abstract:In order to analyze the effect of environmental temperature on CT values of radial cross section in logs,under different temperature(15,-5,-20℃),the cross-section computed tomography images were obtained by using computer tomography instrument to test three samples of Cunninghamia lanceolata,Pinus koraiensis and Abies fabri.CT values of radial critical feature points were picked up by image processing.Using statistical method,the relationship between temperature and CT values were discussed and analyzed,and then its internal reasons were explored.Results show that:①at the same temperature,the difference of CT values along the radial direction is bigger.②At different temperatures,the difference of CT values of radial cross section is not significant,but there is a decreasing trend in the localities.As in the heartwood of Abies fabri(i.e.within the range of 90mm from the center along the radial distance)and in the sapwood of Cunninghamia lanceolata(i.e.within the range of 63~105mm from the center along the radial distance),the CT values of the radial cross section decrease gradually with the decrease of temperature.③The difference of CT values of log in different temperatures is related to its internal structure,especially closely related to water distribution of the section and change of water status.The difference of CT value of different tree species is also the reason for this,which confirms the influence of environmental temperature on the radial cross section in logs.

Keywords:Logs;environmental temperature;computed tomography;CT value

0 引言

近几十年,计算机断层扫描(computed tomography CT)已逐渐成为木材科学领域中一种重要的无损检测方法[1-2].CT技术不仅可以用于木材的定性检测,例如对髓心[3]、心边材[4]、缺陷等检测,也可以用于木材物理性质的定量检测[5],例如对木材密度、含水率等检测.








