
关于高血压患者论文范文资料 与临床护理路径用于老年高血压患者中临床有关论文参考文献

版权:原创标记原创 主题:高血压患者范文 科目:毕业论文 2024-01-25



[摘 要] 目的 该文主要探讨临床护理路径用于老年高血压患者中的临床效果.方法 该次研究对象方便选取2015年3月—2016年6月于该科就诊的老年高血压患者120例,按照1∶1比例分组纳入,即为参照组60例,研究组60例.研究组行临床护理路径,参照组行常规护理,对比两组患者的临床治疗效果.结果 参照组收缩压、舒张压、脉压差分别为(153.04±19.45)、(97.63±12.76)、(56.94±19.48)mmHg;研究组收缩压、舒张压、脉压差分别为(166.45±16.32)、(88.65±16.51)、(78.64±4.22)mmHg;参照组BRTHEL指数、健康知识评分、护理满意度、住院时间、生活质量评分分别为(50.45±13.87)分、(76.78±3.79)分、81.67%、(13.0±2.50)d、(56.98±12.53)分,研究组分别为(78.97±16.03)分、(89.54±3.70)分、95.00%、(8.5±2.00)d、(80.45±11.27)分,对比两组患者相关数据,数据间差异有统计学意义(P<0.05).结论 临床护理路径应用于老年高血压患者的治疗之中,有效提高患者和家属的护理满意度,降低并发症的发生概率,缩短了患者平均住院时间,临床推广价值显著.

[关键词] 临床护理路径;老年高血压;临床观察

[中图分类号] R5 [文献标识码] A [文章编号] 1674-0742(2017)03(a)-0131-03

Clinical Study on Clinical Nursing Path in Senile Patients with Hypertension

HU Mei-ling

Department of Rehabilitation, Xishuangbanna People"s Hospital,Jinghong,Yunnan Province,666100 China

[Abstract] Objective To discuss the clinical nursing path in senile patients with hypertension. Methods 120 cases of senile patients with hypertension diagnosed in our department from March 2015 to June 2016 were convenient selected and divided into two groups with 60 cases in each, the research group adopted the clinical nursing path, while the control group adopted the routine nursing, and the clinical treatment effect was compared between the two groups. Results The differences in the systolic blood pressure, diastolic blood pressure, pulse pressure difference, BRTHEL index, health knowledge score, nursing satisfactory degree,length of stay and quality of life score between the control group and the research group were big with statistical significance[(153.04±19.45)mmHg,(97.63±12.76)mmHg, (56.94±19.48)mmHg, (50.45±13.87)points,(76.78±3.79)points, 81.67%,(13.0±2.50)d,(56.98±12.53)points vs (166.45±16.32)mmHg,(88.65±16.51)mmHg,(78.64±4.22)mmHg,(78.97±16.03)points,(89.54±3.70)points,95.00%,(8.5±2.00)d,(80.45±11.27)points](P<0.05). Conclusion The application of clinical nursing path in senile patients with hypertension can effectively improve the satisfactory degree of patients and their family, reduce the incidence rate of complications and shorten the average length of stay of patients, which is of an obvious clinical promotion value.

[Key words] Clinical nursing path; Senile hypertension; Clinical observation






