
关于西弗吉尼亚论文范文资料 与美国西弗吉尼亚大学体育教育专业改革、和有关论文参考文献

版权:原创标记原创 主题:西弗吉尼亚范文 科目:毕业论文 2024-02-21


摘 要:面对我国青少年体质健康水平多年持续下降的现状,有必要进一步深入探索学校体育的有效改进途径,促进学生身心健康发展.高校体育教育专业在学校体育中有着举足轻重的作用,肩负着培养中小学体育教师的重任,其培养质量的好坏和学校体育改革具有密切的关系.本文采用文献资料法、逻辑分析法、专家咨询法,以西弗吉尼亚大学(West Virginia University, WVU)体育教育专业人才培养模式为研究对象,对其培养目标、专业发展理念、课程设置、师资队伍建设、学生的教育实习等方面进行分析.发现:西弗吉尼亚大学体育教育专业培养目标具有专业性和针对性,在满足其发展理念的基础上,也更多考虑到国家和社会对健康教育的需求;专业课程设置结构和其培养目标密切相关,其课程体系较为完善、合理.课程内容体现出专业性和综合性的特点,重视对学生的通识教育;该专业重视学生实习,严格的监管和评价制度提高了学生的实习质量等.该校的发展对我国体育教育专业建设有以下启发:应该拓宽培养目标,根据各地区特点形成独具特色的专业发展理念;加强专业技术课程教学教法的传授,突出教学法课程的针对性;优化师资队伍,加强和基础教育工作者之间的联系;建立一套完善的实习监督和指导机制等.


For all the students’ Development: Physical Education Teacher Education Program Reformation and Development of West Virginia University in United States

Abstract: The physical health decline of the young people in China. it is important to improve the P.E. curriculum reform in the schools so as to promote the development of the school P.E. Curriculum. Physical Education Teacher Education Program pay a role in school PE and take the responsibility of training the future PE teachers. The quality of talents training affects the reformation of school PE. This article is based on the materials and method of comparative research, use the students in University of West Virginia as research object. It thoroughly analyses the cultivating object, curriculum setting, teaching staff, practicum, teacher certification system and concludes their features, and finds what can inspire normal universities and colleges in cultivating models. This paper analyzed the training goals of Physical Education Teacher Education Program of West Virginia University have the dualism of specialty and comprehensive; this program attach importance to practice etc. Based on these kind of analysis, Chinese physical education teacher education program need to form the unique Professional Education Conceptual Framework, strengthen the teaching methods of PE skill teaching, optimize the ranks of teachers and strengthen the connection between university and basic education teachers, bulid up an supervision and guidance of practice from the perfect system.

Key words: West Virginia University; Physical Education Teacher Education Program; curriculum setting; Development; Reformation

面对我国青少年体质健康水平多年持续下降的现状,有必要进一步深化学校体育改革,探索学校体育的有效改进途径.高校体育教育专业在学校体育中有着举足轻重的作用,肩负起培养中小学体育教师的重任,其培养质量的好坏和学校体育改革具有密切关系.在这一过程中,就有必要借鉴国外体育教育专业改革和发展的经验.西弗吉尼亚大学(West Virginia University, WVU)位于美国西弗吉尼亚州摩根城(Morgantown).该校建于1867年,是美国一所著名的研究型综合大学,该校共设14个学院,体育学在美国乃至世界享有一定声誉.[1]西弗吉尼亚大学体育教育专业更是通过全国教师教育评估委员会(NCATE)及美国国家体育运动和体育教育协会(NASPE)批准认证,其专业建设更具参考性.由于我国体育教育专业缺少可供参考的改革和发展建议等,本文对美国西弗吉尼亚大学体育教育专业的改革和发展进行研究,总结并分析其培养理念、课程设置、师资队伍建设、学生的教育实习等,以期为我国高校体育教育专业改革提供借鉴,为更好地培养我国未来中小学体育教师提供参考.


