
关于同态论文范文资料 与同时不同态有关论文参考文献

版权:原创标记原创 主题:同态范文 科目:毕业论文 2024-01-16



例1 Mr. Li has left and ____ for you for 20 minutes.

A. has waited B. had waited

C. waited D. has been waiting

解析:虽然题干中出现了for 20 minutes,但是,前句说“Mr. Li has left”,说明“wait”与现在无关,只是过去的行为且不是发生在过去某时之前,所以只能用一般过去时.答案选C.

例2 Please tell me your next plan for I ____ there for a few days.

A. has stayed B. will stay

C. stayed D. has been staying

解析:这里出现了for a few days表示一段时间.但前面说“请把你的下一个计划告诉我”,说明stay是将来的动作,所以要用一般将来时,故选B.

例3 There ____ great changes for the last two years.

A. he been B. will be

C. has been D. were

解析:句子中有for the last two years,last表达的是“刚刚过去的”且与现在有关.所以,这里用现在完成时.句子的主语是changes,为复数,所以选A.



1. — What were you doing at ten last night?

— I ____ some students with English then.

A. helped B. would help

C. is helping D. was helping

2. Life ____ harder then because neither of us had a job.

A. was B. would be C. had been D. will be

3. I’ve been invited to the meeting too, so I ____ you then.

A. would see B. will see

C. saw D. was seeing

4. Don’t come to see Mr. White at five tomorrow. He ____ an important meeting then.

A. had B. will he seen

C. will be hing D. will he

5. Call again next week. They ____ a decision by then.

A. are reaching B. will reach

C. he reached D. will he reached


1.选D.then是指问句中的at ten last night,指过去某个时间点正在发生的事,用过去进行时.



4.选C.then是指at five tomorrow,是将来某个时间点正在发生的事,用将来进行时.

5.选D.then是指next week.by then为“到那时”.到将来的某个时间点为止做了某事,用将来完成时.(责任编校 周丹)


