
关于科技期刊论文范文资料 与石油科技期刊读者群落和科学传播效应有关论文参考文献

版权:原创标记原创 主题:科技期刊范文 科目:发表论文 2024-02-23


摘 要 科技期刊在科学传播中的作用不言而喻,然而实际上期刊编辑在办刊过程中对读者受众方面的研究却不够深入.研究认为,科技期刊需要对读者群落进行分解,同时逐步扩大受众范围.文章以《石油勘探和开发》为例,把读者分为国内专业读者、国际专业读者、交叉学科读者、决策领导层读者、现场产业技术人员读者、行业基层读者、社会读者等,能否牢牢抓住国内专业读者和现场产业技术人员读者是科技期刊的办刊基础,而能够吸引国际专业读者是提升国际影响力的前提,受到领导决策层的关注是期刊发挥政策导向和产业化的重要指标,而为交叉学科和行业基层读者阅读表明期刊的专业渗透和科学传播力较强,如果能够为社会读者所吸引,显示科技期刊的科学传播社会化达到了良好的效果.新媒体时代,有效应用微信公众平台和头条号等多种方式把科技文章科普化更是扩大了受众范围,使科技创新和科学传播比翼齐飞,助推国家创新战略顺利实施.

关键词 科技期刊;石油勘探和开发;读者群落;科学传播;国际影响力

中图分类号 G2 文献标识码 A 文章编号 1674-6708(2018)214-0003-04

A b s t r a c t The function of academic periodicals in scientific communication is self-evident, however, in fact, the research of periodical editors on readers ’ audience is not enough. It is believed that scitech periodicals should decompose the reader community and enlarge the audience scope. In this paper, "Petroleum exploration and development" as an example, to divide the readers into domestic professional readers, international professional readers, readers of cross subjects, readers of decision leadership, readers of field industry technicians, the readers of industry, and social readers, can we grasp the readers of domestic professional readers and on-site industry technicians as the basis for the publication of academic periodicals, and to attract international professional readers is the precondition of enhancing international influence, the attention of leaders ’ decision-making level is the important index of policy orientation and industrialization of periodicals, while the reading of cross subject and industry basic readers shows that the professional infiltration and scientific communication ability of periodicals are strong, if they can attract to the readers of society, It shows that the socialization of scientific communication of academic periodicals has achieved good results. In the new media age, the effective application of micro-credit public platform and the headline number and other ways to popularize scientific and technological articles is to enlarge the audience scope, make scientific and technological innovation and scientific communication abreast, and push forward the implementation of national innovation strategy smoothly.

K e y w o r d s academic periodicals; petroleum exploration and development; readership community; scientific communication; international influence









