
关于人参论文范文资料 与上海市某社区65岁以上老人参和健康体检影响因素的调查分析有关论文参考文献

版权:原创标记原创 主题:人参范文 科目:职称论文 2024-01-15


摘 要 目的:分析65岁以上老人参与免费健康体检行为,了解影响老人参与免费体检的因素,为制定免费健康体检方案提供参考依据.方法:2013年—2014年对辖区内65岁以上常住老年居民进行相关问卷调查,分析影响居民参与免费健康体检的因素.结果:文化程度较低的人群参与体检略高,大学及以上文化程度在未参加体检人群中占比较高,慢性疾病患者中,呈现出不参与体检比例较高.结论:吸引社区各类老年人群参与社区免费健康体检,增加社区免费健康体检部分检查项目是提高社区老年慢性病患者参与率的关键措施.

关键词 健康体检;影响因素;老年人

中图分类号:R194.3 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1006-1533(2017)04-0048-03

Investigation and analysis of the influence factors on the elderly people over 65 years old participating in the health examination in a community in Shanghai

ZHAO Xueyan, HAN Yong, BAI Zhaohui, LIU Honglian

( Xinhua Community Health Center of Changning District, Shanghai 200052, China)

ABSTRACT Objective: To analyze the behior of the elderly people over 65 years old to participate in free health examination and understand the factors influencing them to participate in free physical examination to provide a reference for formulation of the health examination program. Methods: The questionnaire was conducted for the elderly residents over the age of 65 within the jurisdiction and the factors influencing the elderly people to participate in the free health examination were analyzed. Results: People with lower education levels were slightly higher in the health examination, people with college or above education levels accounted for higher proportion who did not participate in the health examination and patients with chronic diseases showed a higher proportion of not participating in the health examination. Conclusion: In order to attract the community residents to participate in the community free health examination, the key measure to improve the participation rate of the elderly patients with chronic diseases in the community is to increase some inspection items in the free health examination in the community.

KEY WORDS elderly people; health examination; influence factor


1 对象和方法

1.1 对象

在2013年—2014年社区65岁以上老年人免费健康体检者中,按年龄分层抽样,选取1 200人作为研究组;同时根据年龄、性别1∶1匹配选取未参加体检的1 200人作为对照组;进行问卷调查.

本次调查共发放问卷2 400份,收回2 503份,回收率85.54%,其中研究组1 008人,对照组1 045人.研究组中男性443人,占43.95%;女性565人,占56.05%.对照组中男性492人,占47.08%,女性553人,占52.92%.两组之间性别无统计学差异(χ2等于2.031,P>0.05).参与免费体检居民调查对象的平均年龄为(73.92±6.698)岁,而未参与免费体检居民调查对象的平均年龄为(76.10±7.629)岁,两组之间年龄均值有所不同,未参加体检居民调查对象的平均年龄较参与体检居民为大(t等于6.872,P<0.05).

1.2 调查方法


