
关于糖化血红蛋白论文范文资料 与糖化血红蛋白、脂蛋白a和冠心病关系有关论文参考文献

版权:原创标记原创 主题:糖化血红蛋白范文 科目:专科论文 2024-04-10


[摘 要] 目的 探讨糖化血红蛋白(HbA1c)及脂蛋白a(LP-a)水平和冠心病及其病变严重程度的关系.方法 方便选取该院2016年7月—2017年3月经冠脉造影(CAG)检查患者398例(男214例,女184例),依据冠状动脉造影结果分为冠心病组316例(男性171例,女性145例),非冠心病组82例(男性43例,女性39例),比较两组间HbA1c、LP-a水平.对冠心病组冠脉病变程度行Gensini评分,进一步分析HbA1c、LP-a水平和Gensini 积分的相关性.结果 ①冠心病组HbA1c、LP-a水平均高于非冠心病组[(6.8±1.3)%vs(5.6±1.1)%;(206.00±146.00)mg/L vs (137.00±107.00)mg/L;均P<0.01].②相关分析示,冠心病组HbA1c及Lp-a水平与Gensini 积分呈正相关(r=0.772,0.569,P<0.01),多元线性回归分析示HbA1c 、LP-a与Gensini 积分存在回归关系(β=0.772,0.569 t=11.869,9.018,P<0.01).结论 HbA1c、LP-a均是冠脉病变的独立危险因素,HbA1c联合LP-a对冠脉病变程度有较高的预测价值.

[关键词] 糖化血红蛋白;脂蛋白a;冠心病

[中图分类号] R541.4 [文献标识码] A [文章编号] 1674-0742(2018)02(b)-0034-03

[Abstract] Objective This paper tries to study the correlation between the level of glycosylated hemoglobin A1c (HbA1c), lipoprotein (a) (LP-a) and the coronary heart disease and its severity. Methods A total of 398 cases admitted to the Zhoukou Centre Hospital from July 2016 to Match 2017 receiving the menstrual coronary angiography (CAG) examination (214 male cases and 184 female cases) were convenient selected as the subjects. According to the results of coronary angiography, the subjects were divided into coronary heart disease(CHD) group of 316 cases (171 male cases and 145 female cases) and non CHD group 82 cases(43 male cases and 39 female cases). The level of HbA1c and LP-a were compared between the two groups. The severity of coronary stenosis was evaluated by using the Gensini score, and the correlation between the level of LP-a, HbA1c and Gensini score were analyzed in CHD group. Results ①The levels of HbA1c and LP-a of CHD group were higher than that of control group[(6.8±1.3)% vs (5.6±1.1)%, (206.00±146.00)mg/L vs (137.00±107.00)mg/L,P<0.01]. ②The levels of HbA1c and LP-a were positively correlated with Gensini score(r=0.772, 0.569, P<0.01), and the multivariate analysis showed HbA1c and LP-a were associated with Gensini score(β=0.772, 0.569; t=11.869, 9.018;P<0.01). Conclusion The level of HbA1c and LP-a are independently associated with the severity of the coronary stenosis, and combining HbA1c and LP-a is a more significant predictor for the severity of coronary stenosis.

[Key words] Hemoglobin A1c; Lipoprotein(a); Coronary heart disease







