
关于合理用药论文范文资料 与加强药学干预对促进抗生素合理用药情况分析有关论文参考文献

版权:原创标记原创 主题:合理用药范文 科目:毕业论文 2024-04-10


【摘 要】 目的 探讨加强药学干预对促进抗生素合理用药情况的临床意义.方法 400例采用抗生素治疗的患者, 按入院先后顺序分为对照组和观察组, 各200例.在抗生素应用过程中对照组实施常规药学干预, 观察组实施加强药学干预, 比较两组患者的抗生素使用时间、抗生素治疗费用、总治疗费用、抗生素用药频度(DDDs)、药物利用指数(DUI)、用药依从性.结果 观察组的抗生素使用时间明显短于对照组, 抗生素治疗费用、总治疗费用均少于对照组, 差异有统计学意义(P<0.05).观察组的抗生素用药频度及药物利用指数均低于对照组, 差异有统计学意义(P<0.05).观察组的用药依从率为91.50%, 明显高于对照组的82.00%, 差异有统计学意义(P<0.05).结论 针对患者应用抗生素治疗过程中进行加强药学干预, 可有效促进抗生素的临床合理应用, 减少抗生素药物滥用现象, 节省治疗费用, 还可提高患者的用药依从性, 使患者积极配合药物治疗.

【关键词】 抗生素;临床合理用药;加强药学干预


【Abstract】 Objective To discuss the clinical significance of strengthening pharmaceutical intervention in promoting rational use of antibiotics. Methods A total of 400 patients treated with antibiotics were divided by admission order into control group and observation group, with 200 cases in each group. In the application of antibiotics, the control group received conventional pharmaceutical intervention, and the observation group received strengthened pharmaceutical intervention. Comparison were made on antibiotic use time, antibiotic treatment cost, total treatment cost, defined daily doses (DDDs), drug use index (DUI), drug compliance between the two groups. Results The observation group had obviously shorter antibiotic use time than the control group, and less antibiotic treatment cost and total treatment cost than the control group. Their difference was statistically significant (P<0.05). The observation group had lower defined daily doses and drug use index than the control group, and the difference was statistically significant (P<0.05). The observation group had obviously higher drug compliance as 91.50% than 82.00% in the control group, and the difference was statistically significant (P<0.05). Conclusion For patients with antibiotic treatment, strengthening pharmaceutical intervention can effectively promote the rational use of antibiotics, reduce drug abuse phenomenon, save the cost of treatment, along with improving the drug compliance of patients, so that patients can actively cooperate with drug treatment.

【Key words】 Antibiotics; Clinical rational drug use; Strengthening pharmaceutical intervention

本院自2017年1月起在临床抗生素应用过程中实施加强药学干预, 院内住院患者抗生素使用过程中的合理性得到提高, 本研究选取400例采用抗生素治疗的患者进行分组研究, 以探讨加强药学干预在促进抗生素合理用藥中的作用, 现报告如下.

1 资料和方法

1. 1 一般资料 选取本院 2016年7月~2017年6月采用抗生素治疗的400例患者作为研究对象, 按入院先后顺序分为对照组和观察组, 各200例.对照组中男107例、女93例,

年龄21~82岁, 平均年龄(57.35±18.12)岁.观察组中男

105例、女95例, 年龄20~84岁, 平均年龄(57.98±17.86)岁.

两组患者一般资料比较差异无统计学意义(P>0.05), 具有可



