
关于高职院校论文范文资料 与高职院校涉农专业田间试验和统计课程项目化教学方式改革有关论文参考文献

版权:原创标记原创 主题:高职院校范文 科目:职称论文 2024-03-02


【摘 要】随着我国社会不断发展,各行各业也都取得了极大的进步,当前社会需要的是真正具有专业技能的高端人才,而高职院校的办校目标就是为了培育出具有专业技能的毕业生,向社会输出专业型人才.高职教育的教学目标的设立和教学体系的制定一定要同社会对人才的实际需求相适应,这样才能帮助毕业生更好地适应社会,谋得更长远的发展.高职院校涉农专业田间试验和统计课程教学同其它专业课程教学相比,不仅理论性较强,其对实践性也有着较高的要求,因此,教学人员在进行涉农专业田间试验和统计分析教学的过程中需要加强项目化教学,对教学课程进行项目化设计,只有这样才能完善涉农专业田间试验和统计分析课程的教学效果.本论文的主要内容就是对高职院校涉农专业田间试验和统计分析项目化教学改革和实践的简要分析,希望能够为高职院校涉农专业田间试验和统计分析课程教学效果的提升做出一定的贡献.

【关键词】高职院校 项目化教学 改革和实践 涉农专业 田间试验和统计分析 课程教学

A brief analysis on the reform of field experiment and statistical course project-based teaching in vocational colleges

Wu Xinghong

(yunnan agricultural vocational and technical college,kunming,yunnan 650031)

【Abstract】along with the social development,have made great progress in all walks of life,the current social need is real high-end talents with professional skills,and save the target of higher vocational colleges is to cultivate professional skills of graduates,output vocational talents to the society.The establishment of the teaching goal of higher vocational education and teaching system formulation must be adapted to the needs of society for talents,so as to help the graduates to better adapt to society,get more long-term development.Agricultural vocational colleges professional course teaching of field experiment and statistics compared with other professional courses teaching,not only theoretical is stronger,the practice also have higher requirements,therefore,the teaching staff in the field experiment and statistical analysis in agricultural professional teaching need to be strengthened in the process of project teaching,design of teaching course by project,only in this way can improve agricultural professional field experiment and statistical analysis course teaching effect.The main content of this paper is analysis of field experiment and statistics in agricultural vocational colleges professional teaching reform and practice of project brief analysis,hoping to agriculture higher vocational colleges for professional analysis of the effect of the teaching of field experiment and statistics in ascension make a certain contribution.

【中圖分类号】G642.4 【文献标识码】A 【文章编号】2095-3089(2018)01-0048-02






